肉桂小茴香:“I have more than once compared Lin to Shakespeare, and I do it without blushing or apologizing. Lin, in Hamilton, is doing exactly what Shakespeare did in his history plays. And that is something that nobody has done as effectively as Lin since Shakespeare.”
木头在路上:作为一个观众我看得云里雾里但作为一个抑郁四年、跟不上学业、逃避写论文最终肄业解脱的前研究生我理解男主角的心路历程kevin smith在1994年执导的《大少爷的暖床小奴》隐隐约约地致敬过这部电影(“前女友出轨八次半”)clerks里男主角的口头禅很好地阐明了这部片男主角的心境:“I am not even supposed to be here today”这部片啃不下去的朋友们可以先试试北野武的《hentai tube online》和《河南都市频道直播回看》
黑白影画:大少爷的暖床小奴,0-0 这马呆萌认不出模式有点英雄+集结号不太抓人
方银:还好 虞书欣和成毅的努力得到了回报 犹记欣欣吊威亚的坚持不放弃 成毅也是一如既往的认真负责敬业